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Wednesday 22 December 2010


We have made a quiz about the N.B.A. and 2010 basketball World Cup. If you think you are ready to do it well click here

Friday 10 December 2010

We have made a powerpoint explaining what we have been doing in icts lessons. We wanted to upload it to slideshare but we couldn't because we had problems with the internet, so instead we uploaded it to google docs. If you want to see the powerpoint click here and if you want to listen to it click here

Wednesday 10 November 2010


Mario Vargas Llosa is a peruvian writer, politician and journalist. he was born in arequipa, peru in 1936. He also worked as a professor in  Princeton University. He was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature ``for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant of the individual's resistance, revolt and defeat´´.  Vargas Llosa rose to fame in the 1960s with nobels such as ``The Time Of The Hero´´, literally ``The city and the dogs´´, ``The green house´´ and the monumental ``Conversation in the cathedral´´. Like many Latin American authors, Vargas Llosa has been politically active throughout his career; over the course of his life, he has gradually moved from the political left towards the right. Because of his political position he has been a polemical person.We have choosed this person because we thought that his life is interesting.
Many of Vargas Llosa's works are influenced by the writer's perception of Peruvian society and his own experiences as a native Peruvian. Increasingly, however, he has expanded his range, and tackled themes that arise from other parts of the world. Another change over the course of his career has been a shift from a style and approach associated with literary modernism, to a sometimes playful postmodernism.

Friday 29 October 2010

Adventure story

This story is made by icts students, 20 students have taken part. Each student has writin a part of the story and then we put it all together. we hope you like the story. if you want to see the origin format click on the link below.

                                                              CHAOS IN MEXICO

Once upon a time there was a Mexican boy called Gustavo but his friends called him ``Chicharrito`` . He was very small and slim but that didn’t stop him from being a good basketball player. He used to love playing basket ball, he always had a ball in his hand. One day a boy named Pedro insulted him very badly and he started crying.

Then Pedro apologized but Chicharrito didn’t forgive him. Then Pedro met a new friend called Dimitri and he was a Nazi. Pedro spoke with Dimitri about Chicharrito. They went to a pub full of Nazis. The Nazis spoke about Chicharrito and all went to beat him.

The Nazi were for Chicharrito and gave him a beating. Then Chicharrito was moved to hospital. He was very record but after one week he recovered completely however he was very afraid so he didn’t want to go out of his house. He stayed a lot of days there but suddenly one day one person that Chicharrito hadn’t never seen, knocked the door.

This person called Joxe they started speeking about the beating that they suffer last week. Joxe was very angry because he hates nazis and he is a antinazi. Joxe asked chicharrito if he remembered who had attacked him.

He didnt remember very well what happens but gently, he start remembering some images of the beating and he told to him. Joxe with that tracks started investigating the case but he thought that he would need more people to help him. He speak with an other antinazis and they do a plan.

Joxe spoke with Chicharrito and this two boys decided that the plan would be like that:: firstly Joxe will disguise a Nazi and then would couple with them to hear what they intended to do. So, the next day Joxe went to the market to buy Nazi´s clothes.

He bought the clothes and then he dressed it. After that he went to the pub to meet with the Nazis. In the beginning everything was very well but after the second round of whisky one of the Nazis called to the Colonel to ask when were they going to hit again Chicharrito. The chief said to Joxe that if he wanted to be in the group he had to hit Chicharrito.

After that they said that they were going to meet the next day to speak why they were going to hit Chicharrito and when. The next day all that want to hit Chicharrito met in the pub, they were approximately ten. they decided that they will hit Chicharrito same day that he finish the basketball training.

But Joxe told Chicharrito the plan and they did another plan to mislead the group of Nazis. Joxe told Chicharrito that he can’t go to the basketball train and he had to hiding in a safe place. Then Chicharrito went to the mountain and he found a cave. He thought that is a very good place to hided and he falls within.

Chicharrito was very nervous because probably Nazis find his cave. The cave was in the middle of a forest, arounded by pines. The cave was very humid and it hadn’t got light. it was raining very hard and he couldn’t heard anything. when Chicharrito went to find food he heard some voices. They were Nazis and they went again to hit him. But Chicharrito didn’t know that Joxe had became in a Nazi.

Joxe became in a traidor and Chicharrito was killed by them. Joxe and the other nazis were in prision for 45 years. Joxe was very sorry because he had fool Chicharrito. Until that event, Joxe is very sorry and he always thought in Chicharrito.

Wednesday 29 September 2010



Perkele is an oi music band from Sweden. Their songs talk about beer, fights and their working class life. This band was born in 1993 in a basement in the Swedish city of Gothenburg, as a trio: Ron (guitar, vocals), Chris (bass) and Jonsson (drums). Nowadays they play concerts all around the world such as, Berlin, Japan, Colombia and Russia. We could say that this band is related to the skinhead movement. We recomend you to listen to the song Moments, because it's very melodic.


The Fastidios is an Italian ska punkoi band. It was founded in Verona in 1991, however, only one component is from there. The lyrics deal with common life situations and promote equality, socialism, the fight against discrimination and the rights of animals. The band identifies itself with the movement SHARP. The band conponents are:

Enrico (voice), Paolino (guitar and vocals), Denni (guitar and vocals), Alvise (bass and vocals), Giacomo "La Zia" (drums and vocals). We recommend you this song, let's see if you like it.                                                                                          

Ska-p, is a ska-punk group from Vallecas, Madrid, founded in 1994. Their songs are characterized by their nonconformity, whose lyrics are a critique of capitalism, Nazism, fascism, Zionism and racism, and support for human rights, environmentalism, anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism. The band components are:

Roberto Gañan Ojea (Pulpul): Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Ricardo Delgado (Pipi): Second voice and showman José Miguel Redin (Joxemi): Lead guitar, vocals Julio César Sánchez (Julitros): Bass, backing vocals Alberto Javier Amado (Kogote): keyboards, vocals Luis Miguel Garcia (Luis Mi): Drums

They have made six albums and apart from this they have another three live. We recomend you the song Niño soldado.


Oi the arrase is an oi band from Mallorca. They started in 1997, their music is about supporting the general workers and those who are marginalized from the system. Victor Bisonte singer, Marti guitar, Victor drums and Checa bass, these are the band components. They have released two CDs called Anarkoi and Punks and Skins. In our opinion, their best song is No Hay Futuro.


Skalariak is a ska band founded in 1994 by brothers Juantxo Navarra Skalari and Peio. Their lyrics are in Castilian and Euskera, and in their songs you can find sounds of punk, reggae, ska and other genres. Until 2008, when they decided to finish their career, they published six albums and made tours in Europe and America. The members of this group are, Juantxo Skalari, singer, Enrique Rubiños, drums,.Javier Etxeberria, guitar, Luisillo Kalandraka, bass, Mario Memola, saxo,Guillermo, trombone,Rubén Antón, trumpet and Olatz Andueza, keyboard + accordion. I recommend you the song, Skalari rude klub!

Wednesday 15 September 2010


We are two students of fifteen years, we have selected the ict course because we like computers and it seems very interesting. Our names are Nabil and Mattin. We like listening to music, for example, punkoi and ska. Our teacher is Ana and we invite everyone to enter our blog.

Nabil and Mattin